Thursday, April 7, 2011



well come to this talk on space management. And today I'm going to look particulary at space management in the supermarket.......................................

now since the time supermarkets began, marketing consultants, like us, have been gathiering information about customers' shopping habits.

To date, verious research methods have been used to help promote the sales of supermarket products.............................................

 There is , for example, the simple and direct questionnaire which provides information from customers about their views on displays and products and then help retailers make decisions about what to put where

Another method to help managers understand just how shoppers go around thier stores are the hidden television cameras that flim us as we shop and monitor our physical movement around the supermarket aisles: where do we start, what do we buy last, what attracts us etc

More shopisticated techniques now include video surveillance and such devices as the eye movement recorder. This is a device which shoppers volunteer to wear  taped into a headband, and which traces thier eye movements as they walk roubd the shop recording the most eye-cathing areas of shelves and aisles.................................................

But with today's technology, space management is now a highly sophisticated method of monipulatig the way we shop to ensure maximum profit.  supermakets are able to invest millions of products in powerful computers which tell them what sells best and where.

Now an example of this is spaceman which isa computer program that helps the retailer to decide which particular products sells best in which part of the store. Now spaceman works by receving information from the electronic checkouts (where customer pay) on how well a product is selling in a particular position. spaceman then suggests the most profitable combination of an article and its position in the store.

So let's have a look at what we know about supermarket and the way people behave when they walk down the aisle and take the articles they think they need from the shelves.Now here's a diagram of one supremarket aisle and two rows of shelves. Here's the entrance at  the top left-hand corner

Now products placed here , at the beginning of aisle , don't sell well. In tests, secret fixed cameras have filmed shppers' movement around a store over a seven day period . when the film is speeded up ,it clearly shows that we walk straight past these areas on our way to the centre  of an aisle. Items placed here just don't attrat people.

When we finally stop at the centreof an aisle, we pause and take stock casting our eyes along the length of it. Now products displayed here  sell well and do even better if they are placed at eye level so that the customers eyes hit upon them instantly.Products here are snapped  up and manufectures pay a lot for these shelf areas which are known in the trade  as hotspot.Naturally everyone wants their products  tobe in a hotspot.

But the prime position in the atore are the ends of the aisles, otherwise known as Gondola ends. Now these stand out and grab our attention................................................

 For this reason new products are launched in these position and manufacturers are charged widely varying prices for this privileged spot. Also the end of an aisle may be used for promoting special offers which are frequently found waiting for us as weturn the corner of an aisle.
Well,now,eventually of course, we have to pay.Any spot where a supermarket can be sure we are going to stand still and concentrate for more then a few seconds is good for sales.................................

That's why the shelves at the ckeckout have long been a favourite for manufactures of chocolates-perhaps the nost sure -fire 'impulse food of all.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Bangladesh Independence in 1971.Bengali is national language of this country.The national memorial of Bangladesh is situated at saver. It is the seven series tower .It is symbol of myrters of freedom fighters.
Bangladesh is surrounded on the west,north and east by Indian territories.It`s border on Burma to south east. To the south there lies the bay of Bengol. The area of Bangladesh is 56000 square miles. She is divided into seven divisions and 64 districts. Bangladesh have population of about 160 milion. the population is increase day by day. So the affect of its large population is quite harmful.
The land of Bangladesh is very fertail.She grows rice and juit in planty.  Rice is the staple food of the people and jute is the golden fiber of the country. Jute and tea bring her a lot of money from foreign countries.
Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. She has made her child rice with her various fruits. Many kinds of grow in different seasons all over the country.Fruits are of defferent kinds colours, sizes and taste. Some are big some are small.Some test sweet and some test sour.The main fruits of Bangladesh is Mango, Jack fruits, Banana, Coconut, Orang, Papaw, Plam, Betalnut. Mango is the king of fruits in Bangladesh. Jack fruits is the biggest fruits and national fruits of Bangladesh.There awe many other fruits in Bangladesh. Such as Pine apple, Black berries, dates, Melons, Guava, Wood-apples, and Plums.
Bangladesh is a fertile land having moderate climate.So a variety of flowers grow here in plenty in the gardens jungles, bushes and river sides. They are gift of nature.There are verious kinds flowers in Bangladesh.Some are large, some are small, some are white, some are red some are pink, some are yellow while some are multi-coloured.some flowers that smell sweet, while some others are scentless.
The best known flowers in Bangladesh are the Rose, the Lotus, the Marigold, the Champak, the Jasmin, the Tagar ,the Bakul, tghe Beli, the Chameli, the kamini and the sheuli etc.The Krishnachura, the Kabari and the Palash bloom on the high trees.
Bangladesh is land of beauties. It is a little country with many flowing rivers, green trees and logvely flowers.It is because Bangladesh have six seasons in a year which changes after two mionths. Summer : The summer is in May and June. The days are longer. People sweat and get thirsty and tired of extreme heat.Rainy season : Summer is followed by the rainy season. It is in the monthb of July, August and September. It brings refreshing showers of rain.
   Autumn and Late Autemn : In the early autumn soft, light, clouds hang in the sky. They hardly rain. Autemn is one of the best seasons. It comes after the rains in the month of September and October.  Winter and Spring : Winter is a very pleasent time in our country. It is not as extremly cold as it is in the west. In this season prices of things come down and the farmer get a riceh harvest of Aman crop.
There are various kinds and sizes birds. Some are small and some are big. Some look beautyful and some look ugly. Some birsds have sweet notes and some have harsh voice. Some are game birds, some are talking birds and some are birds prey. 
The common birds of Bangladesh is the Crow, the Sparrow, the Twittering, the Pigeon, the Cuckoo the Koel, the Bou katha kao, the Mayna the Shalik, the Parrot, the Chandana, the Dove, the Cranes the Stroks, the Sandpiper, the King fisherthe Eagle.The Doel is National birds of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is land of rivers. Many rivers flowed over this country. The main rivers of Bangladeshare the Podma, the Meghna, the Jamuna, the Brahamaputra, the Dhaleswari, and The Karnafuli. Besides there are many small rivers like the Buriginga, the Sitalakhya, the Gumti, the Tista, the Atrai, the Kortoa, the Mohonanda, the Moadhumati and many others.
Natural beauty :Bangladesh is mainly a plain land criss-crossed by net work of rivers and canals. In the eastern and south eastern and south estern regions there are only a few hilly tracts. Ours is a country of natural beauty. Thus it is called the "Roposiy bangol."
Culture : People in Bangladesh are very simple and polite by nature. They are not very ambitious but they are hard working. The peasants work hard to grow food. We have fought for our language but most of us do not know how to read and write.